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5 Reasons Google Ads are Perfect for Contractors

Google Ads are a great way for contractors to reach new customers. There are many reasons why Google Ads are perfect for contractors, including the following..

Contractor Websites: How to Connect with More Customers

As a contractor, one of the best ways to connect with more customers is to have a website. Websites help you reach a wider audience and give potential customers..

How To Set Up A Lead Ad On Facebook And Instagram

Facebook Lead Ads are an absolute game changer for businesses that sell their services by appointment. They reduce the amount of steps required for a prospective customer to raise their hand..

How to Set Up A Privacy Policy in 5 Minutes

With privacy concerns becoming increasingly important to the average person, creating a privacy policy that tell users exactly how you will use their information has become..

How To Target Teachers With A Lead Generation Campaign on FB & IG

They say that leads are the lifeblood of any business. By developing a lead generation campaign, you can create a system that collects information about potential customers..

How To Target Business Owners in Facebook and Instagram

Business owners are one of the most sought after audiences across all CPC marketing. In general, they purchase a lot of products to support their businesses and those business related..

How to – Client Reporting for Digital Marketing Agencies

Reporting is the backbone of our customer relations. It gives us a chance to show our customers where their resources are being put to work, what we’ve done for them and what we expect to see..

How to Use Wondershare Filmora Transitions

Filmora is generally really easy to use but definitely has some limitations. Transitions being one of them, they ARE really simple to use but they have a few small issues that make you pull your hair out..

How to Create A Facebook


A Facebook Pixel lets us track peoples activities after they have clicked on an ad and left Facebook. The pixel is a vital step in any Facebook campaign because it lets you retarget to previous visitors..

How to Use Campaign Budget Optimization to Stretch your Budget while Targeting Multiple Audiences

So, my buddy Shannon, from Tuckers Home Improvements just just packed up his business and moved back to Newfoundland. He’s fresh out of quarantine and looking to get started building..

How to Create a Lot of

Instagram Posts at Once Using Canva

If you've read our other article about scheduling social media posts months ahead of time, you will know how much I despise using social media. However I do find making a series of similar posts..

How to Save Hours Every

Week on Social Media

with Later

I hate social media. Really hate it. I hate Facebook. I hate Instagram. Tiktok, LinkedIn. All of them. I genuinely only use them if someone pays me money to use them. I hate how user unfriendly they are..

How to Customize Your YouTube Channel in 5 Minutes

You've just tried to create that new YouTube channel you've been wanting to start, but it's not quite what you envisioned in your head? Here's how to get it up and running as quickly as possible.

A Step by Step Guide on How to Upload a Video to YouTube

Of course you do. Why else would you have clicked on this article?

The good news is, uploading a video to YouTube is easy.

The even better news is that it's also easy to make sure..

How To Use A YouTube Affinity Audience To Brand Your Business

In this post, I am going to show you the most effective way of getting a ton of hyper targeted views for your product or service for as little as $5 per day. This style of ad is perfect for local businesses, real estate..

From Japan to Barrie: The Story of Easy ESL Games

That was the core philosophy at the English language school in Kobe, Japan where Kevin and Steve worked together. As Kevin was preparing to move back to Barrie, he started a YouTube channel..

How To Grow Your Business In Barrie By Making A Great Offer

How can offering your targeted customer an insanely good deal make you a lot more money in the long run? At my local Softbank store (Softbank is HUGE in Japan, not so much in Barrie)..

Increase Your Sales With Upselling, Down Selling And Cross-Selling

Upselling, down selling and cross selling have been core strategies of successful brick and mortar shops for decades, and online marketing has ramped it's use up to new..



Facebook provides your business with a unique opportunity to interact with end users. With over 30 million active Facebook Business pages in use, it's clearly a platform that works..

6 Reasons Why Video Is Important For Your Advertising Campaign

How many videos have you watched today? I don’t mean movies, I mean any small nuggets of moving images have you seen on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube? How many GIFs?